Displays a tabular summary of the geographic extent of extrapolation. This is calculated as the number (and proportion) of prediction locations (i.e. grid cells) subject to extrapolation.

  covariate.names = NULL,
  extrapolation = TRUE,
  mic = TRUE



Output object from a run of compute_extrapolation.


Logical. Whether to return a summary of univariate/combinatorial extrapolation. Defaults to TRUE.


Logical. Whether to return a summary of the most influential covariates (MIC) - see compute_extrapolation. Defaults to TRUE.


Prints a summary table in the R console. In addition, if assigned to an object, returns a list with the table values (.n = number of locations, .p = corresponding percentage).


Bouchet PJ, Miller DL, Roberts JJ, Mannocci L, Harris CM and Thomas L (2019). From here and now to there and then: Practical recommendations for extrapolating cetacean density surface models to novel conditions. CREEM Technical Report 2019-01, 59 p. https://research-repository.st-andrews.ac.uk/handle/10023/18509

Mesgaran MB, Cousens RD, Webber BL (2014). Here be dragons: a tool for quantifying novelty due to covariate range and correlation change when projecting species distribution models. Diversity & Distributions, 20: 1147-1159, DOI: 10.1111/ddi.12209

See also